Should you buff Osmo oil?
I'm considering whether it's necessary or beneficial to buff Osmo oil. I want to understand if this process is recommended for maintaining or improving the condition of the oil, and whether it has any specific effects on its performance or appearance.
Is osmo oil better than varnish?
I'm trying to decide between using osmo oil or varnish for my woodworking project. I want to know if osmo oil is a better choice compared to varnish, in terms of durability, appearance, and overall performance.
What is the best applicator for osmo oil?
I'm looking for the best applicator to use with osmo oil. I want to make sure I'm using the right tool for the job to ensure even and efficient application.
Should I sand between coats of osmo oil?
I'm wondering if it's necessary to SAND the surface after applying each coat of osmo oil. I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly for the best finish.
How long does it take for Osmo oil to cure?
I am wondering about the curing time of Osmo oil. How long does it usually take for the oil to fully cure and harden after application?